Stormwater Partners Network organizes a state-wide comment letter on Advancing Stormwater Resiliency in Maryland initiative

On February 15th, SWPN and the Climate Action Plan Coalition of Montgomery County submitted a letter to the Maryland Department of the Environment on behalf of 28 organizations on the “Advancing Stormwater Resiliency in Maryland” (A-StoRM) initiative.

The Maryland General Assembly recognized the need to address urban flooding with the passing of the 2021 Senate Bill 227. The Bill tasks the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) with developing plans to evaluate current flooding risks and update regulations to improve urban stormwater flood management. MDE released a report "Advancing Stormwater Resiliency in Maryland," (A-StoRM) that provides a roadmap towards modernizing stormwater management in Maryland.

MDE then hosted a Stakeholder Consultation Group and developed several proposed changes to MD’s stormwater regulations. Our letter provided comment on these proposed changes as well as the broader issue of better managing storm-driven flooding in Maryland.

Click here to read our comment letter.

Lydia Lawrence